Fact sheets
Case Studies

Fact Sheets
Utility CRE Connect
Waypoint’s utility program for investor owned multi-tenant commercial properties focusing on the deployment of electric and gas energy conservation measures.
Aligning CRE & Utilities
Learn how Waypoint strategically aligns CRE capital budget planning and utility program schedules to optimize energy efficiency opportunities and implementation.
rocky mountain power
CRE Connect program
Waypoint’s flagship commercial real estate engagement offering launched in 2017 in partnership with Rocky Mountain Power’s Wattsmart Business Program in Utah.
CRE Building Lifecycles
An overview of the commercial real estate building lifecycle and how utilities can tailor energy efficiency recommendations to customers within each stage.

Case Studies
Rocky mountain power's CRE Connect
The Boston Building in Salt Lake City, Utah, is experiencing significant energy savings and other
benefits with the help of Rocky Mountain Power’s Connect offering.
CRE Connect in
Case study on PlazaCorp real estate firm that saved over $10,000 and 74,446 kWh annually after participating in Consumers Energy's Connect offering.
Waypoint’s multifamily solution providing sustainability leadership through assessments, on going energy management and tenant engagement strategies.
Multifamily sustainability and engagement
tackling Class B
A multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, and optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.
Building Re-Tuning Best practices
Waypoint supported development of 2014 Department of Energy case studies to highlight energy savings from Building Re-Tuning practices.
eversource and national grid Tenant Fit-Out
Case study from successful participant in the Sustainable Office Design (SOD) Tenant Fit-Out Incentive Program with Eversource and National Grid.
NEEA Market Transformation in PNW
Waypoint supports the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance to accelerate efficiency in commercial buildings across the Pacific Northwest.
Waypoint developed a utility incentive program to overcome the split-incentive and target energy efficiency opportunities in hard-to-reach office tenant spaces.
Split-Incentive Tenant Program

Waypoint joined AESP to discuss our new normal and ways to thrive while working from home in April 2020.
AESP Couch Chat: working from home - Our New Normal
Waypoint and Eversource presented on a successful program approach for advanced rooftop units at AESP in February 2020.
rooftop unit efficiency: high performance, savings, & engagement
Waypoint held a webinar with MEEA on national and midwest trends for energy benchmarking.
Beyond benchmarking in the midwest: trends and strategies
Waypoint developed an ACEEE poster on how the P4P program design benefits and engages CRE customers.
Utility Pay-For-Performance Program Design for CRE Customers
Waypoint and BOMA presented on best practices from year one of the BOMA W2 Challenge, which encouraged building owners to benchmark waste and water.
BOMA Waste and water challenge (W2)
Waypoint presented a NYC 2030 District Webinar on the trends and drivers of RTU efficiency for commercial buildings in New York City in June 2018.
New York City & Advanced Rooftop Units
Waypoint held a webinar on how to overcome the split incentive to MEEA in August 2018.
Overcoming the Split incentive Webinar
Tenant Engagement for Plug Load Efficiency
Engage Your Tenants to Improve Plug Load Efficiency presented by Waypoint, NREL, IMT and GSA at BOMA International Conference 2017
Benchmarking and Beyond with colliers International
Improve Energy and Operational Efficiencies throughout Your Entire Portfolio presented by Waypoint and Colliers at BOMA International Conference 2017
Market segmentation Challenges and solutions
Waypoint held an informative webinar to explain challenges and solutions to market segmentation and how we address opportunities in July 2017.
sustainable office design and the Split Incentive
How Sustainable Office Deign can help utilities overcome the split incentive to reach tenant spaces presented by Waypoint at AESP in February 2017
Engaging CRE MulTi-Tenant Markets
Presentation on how to engage the multi-tenant market one portfolio at a time for AESP's Customer Engagement Online Conference in July 2016.
Lighting Efficiency into Tenant Fit-outs
Waypoint presented on Sustainable Office Design strategies and criteria to overcome energy efficiency in tenant spaces at Greenbuild 2016.
Plug Load Control Market Barriers
Waypoint presented on myth-busting barriers associated with plug load controls at the Greenbuild 2016 Conference.
CRE Utility Connect
Waypoint presented at 2016 ACEEE Market Transformation Symposium on the disconnect between CRE market and Utility sector, solved via the Utility Connect Program.
Proactive RTU Replacement
Waypoint presented on the business case for Proactive Roof-Top Unit (RTU) Replacement at the 2015 Department of Energy Better Buildings Summit.
Waypoint presented on the state-wide California “Savings By Design” Program to encourage commercial building stakeholders to exceed Title 24 Code and strive for ZNE.
Designing for Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Buildings
Waypoint moderated a presentation at the 2015 ACEEE Market Transformation Symposium on its Northeast utility clients’ Sustainable Office Design incentive program.
Office Design
Class B
Executive Summary for multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, & optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.
APS Use Cases
& Applications
Waypoint presented on applications and uses for Advanced Power Strips (APS) in commercial buildings on a 2015 Department of Energy webinar.

Class B Project
A multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, and optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.
Tenant Program Deployment
Waypoint designed and deployed a tenant space efficiency program for multiple utilities, helping to drive deep energy savings within the hard-to-reach multi-tenant office segment.
Multifamily Program
Waypoint’s multifamily solution providing sustainability leadership through assessments, on going energy management and tenant engagement strategies.
Commercial Sector Strategy
Waypoint was engaged by a major Northeast utility to complete a comprehensive evaluation of their commercial customer base and develop a future go-to-market strategy.
Technology Campaign
In support of the DOE, Waypoint is helping to develop and implement a repeatable model for commercial building energy efficiency technology deployment.
EE Financial Performance
Waypoint designed & conducted a study reviewing the full range of existing research on the relationship between a building’s energy efficiency and financial performance.
Waypoint leads implementation and management of ENERGY STAR benchmarking on for Colliers International portfolio of office and industrial properties
Colliers Energy Star Benchmarking
Waypoint developed and deployed and energy efficiency and LEED sustainability plan of Tishman Speyer's commercial real estate assets.
Tishman Speyer Sustainability Strategy

Energy efficiency and economic recovery: Insights from the covid-19 recession
This paper outlines trends across 11 market segments, highlighting the role that energy efficiency will play as the economy recovers.
Multifamily: The next frontier in benchmarking
Have you ever been asked to benchmark a multifamily property? Did you throw your hands up and want to give up? If the answer is yes, this is for you.
Getting Ahead of the Next Recession: Leveraging
Incentives to Prepare for an Economic Downturn
ACEEE Summer Study paper on CRE and utility engagement during times of economic uncertainty.
Learn about two technology areas that could accelerate the adoption of plug loads.
Emerging Technologies for Improved Plug Load Management Systems: Learning Behavior Algorithms and Automatic and Dynamic Load Detection
What is energy efficiency?
Waypoint discusses the ins and outs of energy efficiency and why it's so important today.
CRE Market & Utilities
Waypoint and Pacific Gas & Electric co-authored a paper on their Utility Connect program that brings together the commercial real estate sector and utility efficiency programs.
Retail RTU
Lease Language
Waypoint partnered with the Department of Energy and the Institute of Market Transformation to craft a menu of green lease clauses specific to efficiency for RTUs.
RTU Financial Business Case
Waypoint co-authored this 2015 Department of Energy guidance document on crafting the financial business case for proactive rooftop unit (RTU) replacements.
EE Financial Performance
Waypoint designed & conducted a study reviewing the full range of existing research on the relationship between a building’s energy efficiency and financial performance.
Engaging Tenants
on Plug Loads
Waypoint and NREL co-authored a paper on plug load energy reduction solutions for commercial buildings and how to engage tenants in the process.
APS Technical Specification
Waypoint supported development of this 2014 Department of Energy technical specification for the procurement of Advanced Power Strips.