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Fact sheets
Case Studies


APS Technical Specification

Waypoint supported development of this 2014 Department of Energy technical specification for the procurement of Advanced Power Strips.

Emerging Technologies for Improved Plug Load Management Systems

Learning Behavior Algorithms and Automatic and Dynamic Load Detection. Learn about two technology areas that could accelerate the adoption of plug loads.

Getting Ahead of the Next Recession: Leveraging

ACEEE Summer Study paper on CRE and utility engagement during times of economic uncertainty.

RTU Financial Business Case

Waypoint co-authored this 2015 Department of Energy guidance document on crafting the financial business case for proactive rooftop unit (RTU) replacements.

CRE Market & Utilities

Waypoint and Pacific Gas & Electric co-authored a paper on their Utility Connect program that brings together the commercial real estate sector and utility efficiency programs.

Energy efficiency and economic recovery: Insights from the covid-19 recession

This paper outlines trends across 11 market segments, highlighting the role that energy efficiency will play as the economy recovers.

Long and Winding Road to HIgher efficiency:

Waypoint, NREL, and DOE share impressive savings achieved from RTU market transformation initiative.

Retail RTU
Lease Language

Waypoint partnered with the Department of Energy and the Institute of Market Transformation to craft a menu of green lease clauses specific to efficiency for RTUs.

EE Financial Performance

Waypoint designed & conducted a study reviewing the full range of existing research on the relationship between a building’s energy efficiency and financial performance.

Engaging Tenants
on Plug Loads

Waypoint and NREL co-authored a paper on plug load energy reduction solutions for commercial buildings and how to engage tenants in the process.

Multifamily: The next frontier in benchmarking

Have you ever been asked to benchmark a multifamily property? Did you throw your hands up and want to give up? If the answer is yes, this is for you.

What is energy efficiency?

Waypoint discusses the ins and outs of energy efficiency and why it's so important today.

©Waypoint Energy 2022

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