AESP Couch Chat: working from home - Our New Normal
Waypoint joined AESP to discuss our new normal and ways to thrive while working from home in April 2020.
Benchmarking and Beyond with Colliers International
Improve Energy and Operational Efficiencies throughout Your Entire Portfolio presented by Waypoint and Colliers at BOMA International Conference 2017
Class B
Executive Summary for multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, & optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.
Lighting Efficiency into Tenant Fit-outs
Waypoint presented on Sustainable Office Design strategies and criteria to overcome energy efficiency in tenant spaces at Greenbuild 2016.
APS Use Cases & Applications
Executive Summary for multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, & optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.
Beyond benchmarking in the midwest
Trends and Strategies. Waypoint held a webinar with MEEA on national and midwest trends for energy benchmarking.
Designing for Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Buildings
Waypoint presented on the state-wide California “Savings By Design” Program to encourage commercial building stakeholders to exceed Title 24 Code and strive for ZNE.
Market Segmentation Challenges and Solutions
Waypoint held an informative webinar to explain challenges and solutions to market segmentation and how we address opportunities in July 2017.
BOMA Waste and water challenge (W2)
Waypoint and BOMA presented on best practices from year one of the BOMA W2 Challenge, which encouraged building owners to benchmark waste and water.
CRE Utility Connect
Waypoint presented at 2016 ACEEE Market Transformation Symposium on the disconnect between CRE market and Utility sector, solved via the Utility Connect Program.
Engaging CRE MulTi-Tenant Markets
Presentation on how to engage the multi-tenant market one portfolio at a time for AESP's Customer Engagement Online Conference in July 2016.
New York City & Advanced Rooftop Units
Waypoint presented a NYC 2030 District Webinar on the trends and drivers of RTU efficiency for commercial buildings in New York City in June 2018.