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Fact sheets
Case Studies


Class B Project

A multi-utility study on small to medium sized commercial buildings identifying barriers, solutions, and optimal subgroups to target for energy efficiency.

Ee Financial Performance

Waypoint designed & conducted a study reviewing the full range of existing research on the relationship between a building’s energy efficiency and financial performance.

Tenant Program Deployment

Waypoint designed and deployed a tenant space efficiency program for multiple utilities, helping to drive deep energy savings within the hard-to-reach multi-tenant office segment.

Colliers Energy Star Benchmarking

Waypoint leads implementation and management of ENERGY STAR benchmarking on for Colliers International portfolio of office and industrial properties

Multifamily Program

Waypoint’s multifamily solution providing sustainability leadership through assessments, on going energy management and tenant engagement strategies.

Tishman Speyer Sustainablitiy Strategy

Waypoint developed and deployed and energy efficiency and LEED sustainability plan of Tishman Speyer's commercial real estate assets.

Commerical Sector Multifamily Program

Waypoint was engaged by a major Northeast utility to complete a comprehensive evaluation of their commercial customer base and develop a future go-to-market strategy.

Technology Campaign

In support of the DOE, Waypoint is helping to develop and implement a repeatable model for commercial building energy efficiency technology deployment.

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