Written by: Fiona Dearth

Did you know that utilities across the United States invested $7.7 billion in energy efficiency in 2016? Incredible. This spending has translated to ongoing efficiency savings in commercial buildings through utility demand side management incentive and rebate programs. Waypoint Energy collaborates with regional energy efficiency organizations (REEOs) to maximize the impact of utility efficiency spending and transform commercial markets across state lines and among utility territories.

Source: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
REEOs build partnerships with utilities, governments, and industry groups to scale development and adoption of efficiency policies and technologies across states and municipalities. The six REEOs nationwide are non-profits that provide a mix of policy and program tools to help advance energy efficiency:
Waypoint Energy is leading the way by working with REEOs to identify and engage key stakeholders in commercial building markets to drive uptake of efficiency best practices and realize deep energy savings. For example, Waypoint partners with NEEA to design and deploy market transformation strategies to accelerate commercial building efficiency adoption. Waypoint Energy leads NEEA’s commercial real estate program to drive efficiency in the market by designing tailored market engagement strategies and initiatives, developing stakeholder-specific resources and trainings, and deploying innovative programs with measurable successes.
Interested in learning more about our work to support market transformation through regional efficiency organizations? Read this case study to find out how Waypoint Energy designs and implements tailored programs for REEOs. If you’d like Waypoint Energy to support your organization’s market transformation efforts, reach out to us at info@waypoint-energy.com.