Written by: Dan Handal
This past July, Waypoint and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) presented to the Seattle 2030 District on the competitive advantages of building renewal for the commercial real estate market. At the Energy Efficiency Lunch & Learn, the team presented specifically on the value of energy efficiency in commercial buildings and tools to identify the right energy savings measures for your property.
The Seattle 2030 District is a collaborative group of commercial building owners, property managers, designers, and engineers that represent a core group of high-performance buildings in downtown Seattle. With over 70 member organizations, the Seattle 2030 District aims to dramatically reduce the environmental impacts of building construction and operations within its boundaries. Members are committed to an aggressive set of sustainability goals for existing buildings:
Energy Use: A minimum of 20% reduction below the National median by 2020 with incremental targets, reaching a 50% reduction by 2030.
Water Use: Manage storm water peak discharge and potable water use within the District by 50% below the District baseline by 2030, with incremental targets of 20% by 2020, 35% by 2025, reaching 50% by 2030.
Auto and Freight Carbon Emissions: A minimum of 20% reduction below the current District average by 2020 with incremental targets, reaching a 50% reduction by 2030.
To meet them, buildings are stepping up to the challenge of developing innovative, yet realistic, strategies to assist district property owners, managers, and tenants in reduce environmental impacts of facility construction and operations. Waypoint is proud to work alongside a number of our partners and colleagues involved in the Seattle 2030 District such as NEAA as a Community Stakeholder member, and CBRE and Kilroy as Property Owner/Manager members.
To learn more about how 2030 Districts across the country are part of a changing paradigm for commercial real estate sustainability, or to get involved yourself by becoming a member of your local 2030 District, visit 2030districts.org.